way back in june, this little guy turned four....
for me, it seems like the 3rd child growing up just goes by in a whirlwind...
i barely remember the baby phase.....which is quite sad in itself....
and now, i blink, and another year goes by....
he is growing up just much too fast...
our little baby....
who is not so little....who is actually quite tall for his age.....which fools me, at times, into thinking he should act his age...and then i realize he is acting is age..... :)
who never misses a beat.....
he has big brothers to keep up with....
observant, physical, loves a job, fiercely independent, stubborn, mischievous....
but sensitive, sweet, goofy, bright, cuddly....one who loves with all his might....
with the BEST smile....
(he also inherited my sweet tooth....hence the sugar overloaded cake....)
oh gus gus, we love you so....the sweet and the spicy....
never change...
happy (belated) birthday sweet boy....