this guy started the big 4th grade on august 29th....
and I'm finally getting around to posting....
hard to believe he's already in 4th grade....
my how time flies....
he was so elated to be starting school again....
he was mostly just so excited to see his friends....
but also happy to go back to school for gym and recess... and maybe some learning :)
so, here are a few photos for the memory book....
to see how he changes throughout the years....
here's to hoping for another great school year!
and on september 6th, these two munchkins started preschool....
gus is going one, half day a week....
max is going two....
right now, gus has fun once he gets there but does not like the idea of going....
on the other hand, max is completely and utterly in love with his school....
he has gained a new found confidence in just these few short weeks.....
he is thriving....
i love his enthusiasm....
let's hope it continues....:)