“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
― Mary Oliver
another month has gone by...
another link up with some photog friends...
feeling a little cooped up these days....
winter is losing its luster....
sicknesses have been rearing their ugly little heads around here....
spending my days bleaching every surface imaginable....
haven't been picking up my camera much lately....
one day i did because, once again, i couldn't help but notice gus playing in the light....
it seems....
those warm, bright rays of sunshine are, at times, one of the only things that help to carry me through the monotony of these cold winter days....
gus's sweet little face helps a bit too.... :)
now, continue on and see how these ladies were inspired this month....
Erin www.eringalindophotography.com/blog
Andrea www.andreameisgeier.com
Rhonda www.rhondasteed.com
Brooke http://blog.brookesnow.com/blog/
Kinsey www.kinseyholt.com/blog