last day of school

hard to believe another school year has gone by....

amazing how much they change in such a short period of time...

overall, it was a good year for owen....

he managed to get through 1st grade with only one trip to the principal's office...

(boy stuff....some sort of play fighting I guess??)

kind of surprised me as he is a lover not a fighter....

but it was a lesson learned...for both of us...

owen was a bit sad the year was over....

he cried at bedtime because he wouldn't see his friends and teacher the next day....

it is always bittersweet having another school year come to an end...

i know this summer will be over in a flash...

so, we are going to enjoy the lazy summer days...

with no schedules...

no homework....

no more making PB & J for lunch every. single. morning.

no more rushing and nagging to hurry up, for the bus will be here any minute...!

and just have lots of fun.....

with no itinerary...

with lazy mornings...

ice cream and popsicles.....

evening fires in the backyard...

water and sand in our toes...

bbq's with friends....


no cares in the world...

welcome, summer!

1st day.....

1st day.....

last day....

last day....
